Legal notice
TOD'S s.p.a.
SHARE CAPITAL: EURO 61.218.802,00 fully paid up
R.E.A.: no. 114030 Fermo (Italy) – DATA PROCESSING NR. FM 004894
Thank you for visiting our website (hereafter, the “Site”).
You are recommended to read the following general terms and conditions of use carefully before using the site.
Accessing the Site and any use of the information the Site contains are subject to the following general terms and conditions of use (hereafter, the “Terms and Conditions”). You are invited to refrain from any further use of the Site if you do not agree with the contents of the Terms and Conditions. By accessing the Site you express your consent to be legally bound by the Terms and Conditions. Tod's S.p.A. (Tod's) reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at its discretion and at any time. Therefore, a recommendation is made to verify the applicable text on a regular basis, since, in any event, accessing the Site will entail accepting any change that has been made.
Tod's offers this Site without any guarantee regarding its continuity and its contents. In particular, Tod's does not provide any expressed or implicit guarantee concerning the Site and its contents with reference to the ownership of the information contained therein, the absence of potentially dangerous programmes (for example: viruses, worms and trojan horses) and the suitability of the contents for specific purposes or commercial uses. Under no circumstance does Tod's guarantee that the information contained in this Site is accurate, complete and up-to-date, that the Site is free from faults or that any faults are corrected. When accessing the Site you acknowledge the circumstance that all use of the Site is under your exclusive responsibility; in particular, you accept to assume the risk of every and any loss of data, impossibility of use and the cost to repair the IT contents and programs used by you in relation to accessing and using the Site. Under no circumstance shall Tod's be responsible for the direct, indirect, specific or general damage of any nature, regardless of the circumstance that Tod's was aware or not of the possibility that such damage could occur in relation to the use of this Site. The contents of the foregoing exclusions may not be applicable, in full or in part when the possibly of excluding implicit guarantees is not acknowledged by a specific legal system.
Under no circumstance shall Tod's be liable, in contractual or non-contractual terms, for any direct or indirect, specific or general damage which may occur due to the use, the non-use and/or due to the performance of any product, information or content included in the Site (and the foregoing disregards the fact that Tod's was aware or not of the possibility that such damage may occur). Some of the foregoing limitations may not be applicable, since some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion or limitation of liability for direct or indirect damages.
By accessing the Site you undertake to stand surety for, hold harmless and defend Tod's, its subsidiaries and associated companies, its employees, directors and shareholders against any claim made by third parties, damage, loss, cost, expense (including the related legal and judicial costs reasonably sustained) resulting from your use of the Site or in relation to the Site concerned.
This overall Site and all the material the Site contains is protected by copyright and by other intellectual property rights. Therefore, you may view, print and copy the contents of this Site (including, merely by way of example, texts, images, animations, videos, logos and drawings) solely for personal purposes of a non-commercial nature. Using, changing, printing, displaying, reproducing, distributing or publishing the information contained in this Site is not permitted without the written consent of Tod's, subject to the provisions established herein. This Site may contain material protected by third party intellectual property rights. The permitted uses in such cases are to be verified with the holders or licensees of the respective rights, as identified in the Site from time to time.
All contributions or material transmitted to Tod's via the Site, including questions, comments or suggestions and the alike related to the Site's contents (hereafter, the “Contributions”) shall be deemed to be non-confidential. In particular, under no circumstance shall Tod's be under any obligation in relation to such Contributions and may freely copy, utilise, use, disclose to third parties, display, change, create works of a derivative nature and/or publish the Contributions without any limitation or amount being due and payable. In addition to the foregoing, Tod's reserves the right to use ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in the Contributions for whatever purpose without an obligation to pay any compensation and/or amount, including, by way of example, the production and/or marketing of products which incorporate such Contributions.
This Site may contain links to other websites (hereafter, the “Links”). Tod's declines all liability in relation to the contents and the materials accessible at the foregoing sites or however obtainable via such sites. All Links to other sites, as well as every other reference to information originating from third-party sources shall not be deemed to represent an express or implicit endorsement by Tod's. Questions and/or comments concerning the sites associated with the Links are to be directed exclusively to the administrators of the sites concerned. Moreover, this Site may contain information originating from third-party sources, as duly indicated from time to time, to which you shall refer exclusively for every query concerning their accuracy, truthfulness and completeness.
The Tod's products illustrated in this Site represent the Tod's collection. Therefore, this Site does not necessarily contain all of Tod's products, nor are all the products displayed on this Site currently available or will necessarily be available in all of Tod's stores. Tod's reserves the right to change the style, design and colours of Tod's products without prior notice. The information that Tod's publishes on the World Wide Web could contain references to Tod's products, initiatives and services or to products, initiatives and services of its subsidiaries, which may not be available or announced in your country. Such references do not imply Tod's intention to announce such products, initiatives and services in your country. Therefore, you are invited to consult Tod's local representatives from time to time concerning the products, programmes and services which are available in your country.
The material contained in this Site may contain inaccurate information and typing errors. Tod's declines all liability concerning losses or damage caused by or associated with the reliance made by the Site's users on information contained in the Site. Therefore, the user is responsible for assessing independently the accuracy of the information published on this Site. Tod's reserves the right to change the Site and its contents at any time without an obligation to notify such change in advance or at a later date.
Users of the Site are only authorised to consult the documents indicated in the Site's menus. Every unauthorised attempt to overcome or bypass the Site's protections, to use the operating systems which operate or are connected with the Site for uses other than the uses for which they are intended or to prevent their use by authorised users is prohibited; the prohibition also applies to accessing, obtaining, destroying, changing, damaging the information contained in the Site or interfering with such systems. All similar behaviour/action will be brought to the attention of the competent authorities without delay and prosecuted in all the competent civil and criminal courts, in accordance with the applicable laws and international conventions.